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Use U of I Box to store, share, and collaborate on documents. Box offers a modern web interface and enterprise security suitable for most files, including FERPA protected data. For mobile devices, try the Box Mobile Client, and use Box Sync to synchronize files to your desktop. Learn more about using U of I Box at web.uillinois.edu/box.

NOTE: Please review the Box Health Data Folders Policies and Guidelines before storing PHI in U of I Box. PHI, and only PHI, can only be stored in Box Health Data Folders (BHDFs). Storage of PHI in a "personal" (i.e. non-BHDF) folder is strictly prohibited.

The use of Box for other High Risk data, such as SSN or credit cards, is forbidden.

To explore ideas for making the most of your U of I Box account, visit success.box.com or the Box support site.

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